Bridging the gap between the marketplace and the Kingdom of God through Reflective Trauma-Informed Christian, Group, and Life Coaching for women of all backgrounds.

Start here.

  • Have you experienced trauma? Have you experienced the stigma of mental health in the Kingdom of God while experiencing trauma? Have you felt it difficult to hold on to your faith during this experience? There is a particular need within the Kingdom of God for women and children to be educated about trauma, its impact on mental health and what God says about it.

  • ECIM is answering this call by providing no cost on-going psychoeducational seminars and/or trauma-focused group sessions to local communities and households of faith. This ministry has developed a Kingdom Model of Trauma-Informed care that educates about the behavioral neuroscience of traumatic injury through incorporation of the Word of God. It is practical in approach, understanding, and application. 

    This curriculum can be used by individuals, leaders, Pastors, in home or small groups, and life circles alike to further guide, develop, implement, and assess current healing modules and best practices within the Kingdom of God.

  • Through ECIM’s Reflective Trauma-Informed Groups; One-on-one Mental Health and Life Coaching; Biblical teachings; and leading of the Holy Spirit, you can experience wholeness.

    The Lord tells us he is close to the “…brokenhearted; [that] he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” (Psalm 34:18). Jehovah Rapha (the God who heals) is concerned about your past wounds. Come get understanding about the basics of trauma, and at the same time experience the Lord’s healing presence.

    Despite trauma’s prevalence, post-traumatic growth is possible for you. Peace through Christ is also possible for you. You are neither alone nor forgotten. God took a part of himself and came to Earth in the form of man.

    This act was so you would feel neither lonely nor insignificant lacking purpose. He was willing to die on the cross to show his immense love for you and the world. (Isaiah 53:3, Hebrews 12:2).

    Please join our FREE on-going group meetings nearest you at different locations or on-line via Zoom. You can also connect with us for your Mental Health and Life Coach needs.

Not sure?

So why attend an event? Our group meetings, seminars and conferences offer unique opportunities for the development of post-traumatic growth and emotional healing. You'll have the chance to participate in workshops, and activities designed to help you learn new skill sets and daily coping strategies. We empower and inspire you to take your personal life to the next level with Christ.

  • "I've been dealing with childhood and workplace trauma. God, in all of His infinite wisdom, led me to the EstherzCrown Healing Conference. It was an amazing and transformative experience. Eurinika is incredible human being and I plan to further tap into her ministry. Look for me at the monthly brunch gatherings."


  • "I was so very blessed by the conference. It was clear Eurinika put a lot of planning into it and that she had a strong team of people working together to make it happen. I loved all the speakers and how they weaved faith and trauma together. The whole day was also very spirit-led. I appreciated all the detail put into the activities we did during Eurinika's time...the meals were great too. I was so happy to purchase a t-shirt to mark the occasion and to leave with a goodie bag. I received much from the prayer I got as well. Thank you so much for pouring your heart and soul into this conference! I can't wait for the next one!"


  • “I am so thankful that the Lord led me to attend EstherzCrown. I had deep pain inside from trauma I experienced in my past. Through this ministry and the group experience, I received so much healing. My countenance even changed to one of joy!”


  • “When I participated in Eurinika's group, I felt loved, encouraged, and accepted. Eurinika reminded me of my identity and authority in Christ and that helped me to push through that difficult season I was walking through. I made a very good friend in the group and Eurinika also made herself available to me outside of the group, which I really appreciated. Eurinika is caring, strong in the Lord, and compassionate!”


  • Eurinika is a patient and discerning spiritual leader. She is a woman I will role model, who does not back down when spiritually attacked, but rather moves forward in faith. Eurinika is a faithful servant of God; I appreciate her a lot."


  • 그녀는 내가 그동안 만나본 영적 리더들 중 가장 담대하고 말씀에 기반한 영적인 코칭을 해주는 훌륭한 여성리더 입니다. 자신의 삶에서 겪는 고난이 엄청나게 그녀를 힘들게 하는데도 불구하고 더욱더 믿음으로 그 고난을 통과하며 여러 여성들에게 좋은 영향을 주는 복음적인 삶을 살고 있습니다.  나 역시 너무 힘든 일이 있었는데 그녀와 대화하고 통화하면서 영적인 가이드 라인과 분별력과 지혜를 얻어서 하나님의 때에 그 문제가 해결되었습니다.  그녀의 맏음과 영적인 지혜와 리더쉽을 존경합니다. 그녀는 훌륭한 영적인 코칭 입니다. 


  • "She is one of the most courageous spiritual leaders I have ever met, and she is a great female leader who provides spiritual coaching based on the Word. Eurinika has positively influenced many women like me. I recently had a very difficult problem, but with her spiritual guidance, discernment, and wisdom, the problem was resolved in God's time. I respect her leadership as a Woman of God. She is a great spiritual coach."


Upcoming events


    Group Life Coaching

    On-Line: Zoom. You will be contacted prior to session and provided Zoom link along with reminders.

    We are going through a 12-week journey of healing from bondages to freedom that will end on

    February 22, 2024.

    Group is at capacity at this time.

    Please email for next cohort.

  • Woman, Be Healed!

    We look forward to seeing you at our Fall 2024 Conference!

  • Empowerment Time.

    God is calling his daughters to their rightful position of leadership in his Kingdom. We can’t wait to meet you.

Woman Be Healed 2023 Conference Memories


Woman Be Healed 2023 Conference Memories 〰️

Thank you to everyone who joined us for such a Transformative Workshop on Trauma and Faith! We came together, learned, grew, and supported one another on our paths toward healing and resilience. This workshop was a unique opportunity to come together as a community to explore the profound intersection of trauma and faith. We did it! We can’t wait to fellowship with you again to learn more about Trauma, and hear what God has to say about it for the Body of Christ and non-believers as well. Spread the word and mark your calendars, bring your friends, and family in September 2024!

Fill out our “connection form” on this page!


Phone us at: 484-369.0418.

We would love to hear from you as you begin your healing journey!

Se habla Español. 우리는 한국어를 구사합니다.

We speak Caribbean Patois. Tunazungumza Kiswahili.

Don’t give up.

You are not alone.

Your story matters.

Take heart.

Born to Win ♡  Born Again 

In order to overcome trauma people need to feel safe enough…to open up their hearts and minds to others and become engaged with new possibilities. This can only be done if trauma survivors, and their communities, are helped to confront and confess the reality of what has happened and are helped to feel safe again.
— Bessel van der Kolk, MD
