Trainings & Consultations

Our “Reflective Trauma-Informed Support” groups are non-judgmental, socially safe, and confidential in a culturally responsive secure environment to meet your needs. You are not alone and there is no place for shame. By understanding trauma, its role, how it affects your daily living, how to work through it, certain coping skills needed, and how to thrive through life is what ECIM would like to help you do.

All services are held in a confidential location where your safety is our priority. Members determine when to close the group. Each group or session last for two hours or less. Childcare is available.

Members could participate in creative activities such as “pour painting,” vision board development, food and or nutrition/exercise activities and share their entrepreneurial gifts and talents with each other and the body of Christ.

Our Mental Health Coaching and Life Coaching services are provided from a biblical foundation. You will learn how to obtain your life goals as the true Champion that you are. You will further learn about mental health disorders, dismantle related myths or stigma, and be on your way to recovery. We will evaluate, assess, refer, relate, and provide guided direction and support in a safe environment.

Through a biblical model of coaching, you will learn techniques and intervention skills to apply to a healthier you while relieving any suffering through hope in Jesus Christ.

Common inquiries include though not exhaustive:

  • “What does the Word of God say about my past trauma?”

  • “What are God’s thoughts about different modalities of healing?

  • “How do I understand what to do when bad things happen, and others dismiss it?”

  • “How do I even identify trauma? How does it affect my body?

  • “What parts of my brain are responsible for traumatic memories?”

  • “When do I need help for traumatic injury?”

  • How does God want me to heal?”

  • “How am I to feel when my mental health is stigmatized in the Kingdom of God?”

  • How do I develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?”

  • “What are my triggers?” “How do I cope with traumatic memories?”

  • “What are my tools to self-regulate and better manage my emotions once triggered?”

  • “How do I develop my identity in Christ as a queen crowned with his glory?”

  • “What is vicarious trauma and how do I experience post-traumatic growth?”

  • What is self-care and how do I practice it?”

  • A three-part being with a spirit in a body with a Soul (your mind, will, and emotions). Indeed, you are a masterpiece. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. You are His marvelous work.

    I Thessalonians 5:23; Psalm 139:14; Ephesians 2:10.

  • Because the creator of the Universe created you on purpose with a purpose and brought you into time as royalty on Earth, a chosen generation.

    1 Peter 2:9

  • You must first accept Jesus Christ into your heart, commune and fellowship with him through the Holy Spirit. You can do this by practicing his presence daily using praise, worship, thanksgiving, the reading the Bible, and fellowshipping with other believers. Then, he will guide you to your purpose in him.

    1 Kings 19:11-13.

    “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD… You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29: 11 & 13.

You are no longer defined by your trauma. Permit yourself the gift of healing. You are called with a holy calling before the foundations of the Earth.
— Eurinika Harris

Our Services

  • Groups run about eight- 10 weeks with a maximum of eight members.

  • One-on-one plans developed together for specific life area.

  • Trauma through racism exists, let’s learn its history and what God through his Word says about it.

  • Schedule your free hour.

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