Be Encouraged Everyday

Prayer Requests

All prayer requests are confidential EXCEPT if you say that you are going to harm yourself or someone else. If you find that you are in a mental health crisis, please contact a close friend or family member or call 911, your physician or a mental health professional. Take good care of yourself.

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline Number is: 1-800-273-8255. We are praying that you do not consider suicide because the truth is:” You are VALUABLE, YOUR STORY MATTERS and YOU ARE SO LOVED more than you imagine.” You were born on purpose with a purpose by Almighty God. Your journey is not finished, your race is not over. Others need you in spite of what you feel right now, and emotions come and go all the time. Don’t STAY in that place. You were predestined for a time such as this (Esther 4:14) on Earth. God makes no mistakes nor accidents. He purposed everything he made, including You.