It’s Our Season To Bloom

Rejections cannot stop us disappointments cannot stop us, whatever traumas we’ve endured cannot stop us. We are destined to bloom. The most wise King, Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:1: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:..” As such, we will have different seasons with different reasons during our lifetime on Earth.

Therefore, our job is to seek God and the specific purpose he has for our specific season. We cannot control that at predestined times: leaves will fall, birds will fly to warmer temperatures, bears will hibernate and squirrels will bury nuts. Let’s not forget that trees will bear fruit in diffent seasons as well.

Growing up in the Caribbean, one always know the season for each fruit tree (Mango, Tamarind, Soursop, Guava, and more). It is second nature that we anticipate when we could eat our favorite fruit. For particular sour fruits, we found creative ways to sweetly eat them as desired.

As followers of Christ, we must come to a place where we purpose in our heart like Daniel, that Our God is always with us, whether we go through a sweet, sour or bitter season.  Importantly, we should consult with him and ask:

“Father, what do you want me to learn during this season?” Such is often an opportunity to draw closer to him, not run from him, and to further develop our character to live our life in his perfect will.

Remember to every season there is a beginning; there is also an end. Stay blessed in the Lord during our current season.

Take heart that this too shall pass and let’s bloom together in Jesus Name! It’s our season!


Not Finished Yet


God of the Breakthrough