God of the Breakthrough

Kingdom women, depression does not define you. You were bought with a price by a God who hung on a tree. He was that Tree of Life, “The Way” guarded by the Cherubim (Genesis 3:24), of what is Christianity today. As Jesus stated in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…” You see Beloved, God had determined his plan to shed his love abroad in your heart (Romas 5:5). God purposed in this perfect plan that he would reconcile and recompense You to himself.

For four hundred years he didn’t speak to humanity. Did this act allude to his grief and mourning of the loss of his relationship with those he created? We seldomly meditate on what we put God through. The Bible tells us to not grieve the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). Instead, I believe, we should set out to make him laugh, for as such he does on his throne (Psalm 2:4).

He calls us “friend” and we should talk to him that way (John15:15) during depression or otherwise. I like to sometimes say, “Father, can you believe that?, referring to the world and its manner of ways. Because of my relationship with him, I avoid inadvertently calling on him in emergencies solely. He is my friend I speak to him daily. He leads us through our darkest hours. In those desert valleys he quenches our thirst.

So, do you thirst for God today? Make Him your friend. He will keep you.

Confession: Dear father, I would like to be your friend. Teach me your ways, how to hear your voice and know that you are near. Thank you Jesus.

Scripture: Romans 5:5 (TPT)

And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!”

He Is YOUR God of YOUR Breakthrough!


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