The Brook Has Dried Up

Has God ever tried to move you and you say, that’s not God, “I rebuke you Satan?” Yet, God continues to speak and he sounds nothing like Satan. In fact, he sends confirmation that he is not Satan through the Prophet, who comes to tell you the thoughts in your heart that only you and God know. You tell God, “but I don’t want to go because there are alot of “I don’t knows.” Yet, God says, Go, “the brook has dried up.” And as you test the spirit by the spirit, you know it is God because he speaks these same words to you as he did to Elijah, the Tishbite in I Kings 17:7, during the famine.

I hear the Lord saying to you today, “Rise up, it’s time to move.” If that word is for you today, receive it in Jesus name. Rise up, man or woman of God, it’s time to move. There are provisions that God has commanded for you in the land to which he had called you. Arise, make up your bed and “Go.” I come in agreement with your faith today. Amen.

 Daily Confession:

“Thank You Lord for the blessings you have commanded to sustain me in the land you have sent me.” I Kings 17:9


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