Lose Not Your Confidence

I can recall shortly after being saved, God allowed Satan, my adversary to attack me in the spirit. It was through a vision, that the action went down. I remember it took me by surpsise. I questioned, how could a God I just accepted in my heart allow this? Doesn’t he know who I am? That I am His now? And that Satan should not come near me? That He is to protect me? How dare God allow this to happen to me?

In the vision, God revealed the enemy’s schemes to me, his strategies of operation in this Earth, that he walks to and fro in it, like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, as the Bible tells us. Even though I had this revelation from God, I was still upset with him, that he would allow me to be attacked in the spirit.

The next night as I attended Bible study, and met with a fellow believer, I began telling her about the vision, the details of the attack. In my heart, I was still upset with God and asked him, “Why did you allow Satan to attack to me?” He responded, through my friend and said: “For where I’m taking you, you must be stonger.”

These words have resonated with me for 15 years now. And I’m grateful for how the Lord has kept his words to me. He has made me stronger. When there were times I wanted to give up: He held me. There were times I was tired: He made me stronger. There were times I was void of him: He sent a word through the Holy Spirit to encourage me. There were times when I paused along the road of life: He said, “daughter keep going.” Even when I said, “father I can’t go any further,” then he whispered in his quiet still voice, “You are the apple of my eye, keep going.” Finally, there were times he held my hands in his presence, lifted my head, wiped my tears, made me smile and helped me on my way.

If he has kept his promises to me, he will keep his promises to you. God is not a respecter of persons. How about you? Take a moment today and remember his promises to you that are “Yes” and “Amen” to Him!

Do Not Lose Your Confidence!

Hebrews 10:35


When “Longsuffering Echoes in My Heart


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